What are – and is – historelics?

historical adj. Of, concerning, or in accordance with recorded history.
historic adj. Having importance or significance in history.
relic n. An object kept for its association with the past; a memento.

Historelics are, by my simple definition, historical relics: objects kept for their association with historic events. Historelics is a project I’ve started to help people find, collect, share, and learn more about historic relics.

History has long been a passion of mine. Many of the people, events, and creations of the past are sources of awe, inspiration, and intrigue. Reading or hearing about history is great, and visiting the places where it took place is even better, but being able to see, touch, and preserve historic relics strengthens one’s connection with the past farther still.

great artiste bockscar nagasaki mission signed flown
one of my most amazing finds – an autographed envelope that flew with the crew that dropped the atomic bomb ending World War II

I’ve been fortunate to gain a great deal of experience collecting historical relics – many of them objects that I can link (with varying degrees of certainty) to some of the most prominent historic figures and events. Before getting started on my relic hunting journey, I’d never have expected to be able to find museum-quality items for sale online – but there they were, oftentimes surprisingly affordable, too.

Finding reliably genuine historical relics of special significance amongst the many thousands of less unique, less important, or fake pieces also listed can be a real challenge – one that professional collectibles dealers have the time and knowledge to handle, but that most people don’t.

leopoldo ii tuscany 1859 vesuvius lava medallion
1859 medallion of Leopoldo II Grand Duke of Tuscany cast from lava of Mt. Vesuvius, bought for less than $10 online

Here on Historelics (and also via social media), I’ll be finding those needles in the haystack for you, and sharing news and tips that relic hunters and history lovers should find interesting. I hope you enjoy Historelics – in every sense of the word – as much as I do!

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